No meetups, but plenty of work!

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Hello everyone!
Summer is here, holidays are in full swing, and since June, I started a new career path as a Junior Java Developer. Learning new responsibilities takes up most of my free time, so writing blog posts has taken a back seat. But I want to share some updates from my professional life with you.

Recently, I had the chance to attend a company integration event at a special place – Food And Mood.Space in Hala Koszyki in Warsaw. It was an amazing experience, especially since I only knew my colleagues from the computer screen on Teams before.
The whole day started with training sessions, integration games, a product demo presentation, and ended with cooking together. We were divided into three teams responsible for appetizers, the main course, and dessert. Each team had to prepare something special. I was in the group that prepared Asian croquettes with cucumber, carrot, beetroot, salmon, and rice noodles, wrapped in a rice paper.

Under the watchful eye of the chef, we learned how to cut vegetables and put everything together into a complete dish. It was really educational and inspiring. The chef showed us different techniques and tricks, which we then recreated ourselves. Cooking in a group was a great experience – we prepared dishes together and then served them to the other teams.
The whole integration was a huge success. The mood was great, the atmosphere was fantastic, and I had the chance to get to know the people I work with every day. These kinds of events are really valuable because they help build closer relationships and break down barriers.

The summer season is a time when there are fewer meetups and industry events. I miss attending meetups because it has become my hobby. However, I am not slowing down. I am constantly learning new things as a Junior Java Developer. Every day I learn and grow, and each new skill gives me great satisfaction. Only at work did I see what I still need to learn. Now I am practicing bug fixing, log analysis in Kibana, and reading technical analysis.

I hope to find more time soon to write regular blog posts. For now, I am focusing on learning my new responsibilities and enjoying every day at work.

This text was written by me and not by ChatGPT.

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