Exploring Design Patterns: B-JUG Meetup

Gaining of knowledge

A few days ago, I had the opportunity to participate in another meeting of the Java User Group Białystok. Here is my account of the event.

Topic of B-JUG#9: In search of design patterns.
Sponsors: Britenet, Code Foundry. Content partner: PTI.
As advertised by Kamil from Britenet, who led the presentation:

We will visit the island of design patterns, explore the picturesque patterns in the Spring tribe, and take a peek at how ancient pyramid builders used them for themselves.

I haven’t missed any JUG Białystok meetings yet, so this time I also attended with pleasure, especially since the topic sounded enticing (especially for a junior).

The presentation was quite interesting, although quite a few design patterns were presented. Personally, I would prefer fewer of them, but with more examples of usage in code. It could be a bit more expanded. However, the presentation was very interesting, and at times quite amusing, especially in the section about Anti-patterns. Kamil referred many times to the book “Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software” (Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John Vlissides), the Gang of Four’s seminal catalog of 23 patterns to solve commonly occurring design problems.

At the end of the meeting, the presenter Kamil handed out commemorative surprise figurines to people who had previously led presentations.

In summary, the whole meeting took place in a nice, friendly atmosphere. It was an opportunity to meet friends and listen to an interesting presentation. I also benefited a lot and understood some previously unclear design pattern schemes. I look forward to the next JUG meeting.

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