This week I had the pleasure of attending a Java User Group meeting in Białystok. I was looking forward to this meeting eagerly, just like any other JUG event. The topic of B-JUG#12 was Java for intermediate-advanced users, which attracted even more people to the meetup. It seemed like there was a record attendance this time.
Here’s how the organizers encouraged participation:
“Java, with its nearly 30-year history, has developed many interesting mechanisms. Although it still appears to be a relatively simple language, sometimes you can be surprised by how many interesting features it hides.
Switch, enum, lambda, var, final, invokedynamic, method handles, invokeinterface, bytecode, bootstrapmethods, interface, class, exception, reflection, invokespecial, intrinsics, invokevirtual, escape analysis, interpreter, JIT, c2, clinit, lookupswitch, vtable, itable.
All these smart concepts will be discussed in this presentation.”

The presentation was conducted by Jakub, a Java Developer with 10 years of experience. He’s a Java and JVM enthusiast, especially interested in their low-level aspects. The presentation itself was very interesting, showing how the JVM works underneath, how enums or lambdas are stored in bytecode. Performance issues of switches and ifs were also addressed, as well as the so-called “Exception-Driven Development” 🙂
The presenter explained things in an engaging manner, threw in some jokes, changed his tone of voice. It was clear that he’s passionate about Java and JVM. I was impressed by his preparation and the level of the presentation.
I gained a lot of benefits from this presentation, for example, I learned what Just-in-Time compiler and C1 and C2 compilation are. It’s really a cool topic, but it requires deeper analysis. Maybe someday I’ll delve into it more in my free time.
Overall, the presentation was great, although it might have been less understandable for someone with less experience. The presenter himself admitted that if he had written that it was a presentation for advanced users, there wouldn’t have been such crowds 🙂 I can’t wait for the next JUG meetings.
This text was written by me and not by ChatGPT.